Fr Dan is available to hear your confession on Sundays from 9:45-10:15am before ASL Mass. Just stop by the sacristy behind the altar in the church if you would like to go to confession. Fr Dan is also available at other times if you would like to make an appointment with him. He also can come visit you at your home if you are homebound.
If you are preparing for surgery or experiencing a serious illness, please let Fr Dan know if you would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
In this Sacrament, the priest anoints you with Blessed Holy Oil, following the tradition of Jesus' apostles anointing people that were sick or suffering. We pray for God's healing in these situations, trusting in Him. Anointing is not like waving a magic wand and "voila!" we're healed...but we pray for God's Grace to keep us strong as we suffer, and to remember that Jesus has experienced much suffering for us on the Cross.
If an unexpected illness or hospital visit happens to you, please let CDM know and Fr Dan is happy to come visit you in the hospital and anoint you there.
It can be difficult to think about the end of our life here on earth, but it can be a great comfort to your family and friends to leave a plan for your funeral arrangements. Everyone is encouraged to print off the CDM Funeral Planning Form and fill it out and give it to your Next-of-Kin or your Power of Attorney.